📄️ Overview
Attempt to diagnose and fix common issues
📄️ Installation Issues
What to do if you encounter issues during installation
📄️ Login Issues
What to do if you encounter issues during authentication
📄️ Java minimum RAM allocation
What to do if you encounter a Java RAM issue
📄️ Game Launching Issues
What to do if you encounter issues during the game launching process
📄️ Crashes while playing
What to do if you encounter crashes while playing
📄️ Crashes when entering fullscreen
What to do if you encounter crashes when entering fullscreen mode
📄️ Server-side features not working
What to do when certain or all server-side features are not working
📄️ Self Signed Certificates
What to do if you encounter certificate issues
📄️ Surround Sound on Windows
What to do if you encounter issues with surround sound on Windows
📄️ Client does not load after blocking CheatBreaker
What to do if you encounter issues after blocking our services
📄️ Rate Limits
What to do if you encounter rate limits